Medium: Television
Genre of Program: Comedy-drama
Skins', a British teen drama, is created by Jamie Brittain and Bryan Elsley. In this show, it follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the most important two years of sixth form (Prep for GCSE' A levels). It covers what "English" teenagers go through during their teenage life. Issues such as dysfunctional families, sexual orientation identity, drug abuse, death, and mental illness; including eating disorders. Skins also portrays British teens trying to grow up, find love, and happiness despite the influence of their parents, and other adult authorities.
Name of Character Viewed | Effy | Cook | Freddie | Katie | Emily |
Male or Female | Female | Male | Male | Female | Female |
Main Character? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Occupation | Student | Student | Student | Student | Student |
Level of Education | High School | High School | High School | High School | High School |
Race | White | White | Hispanic | White | White |
Marital Status | In a relationship. (Off and on with Freddie and Cook) | Single (Fooling around with a lot of girls) | Complicated (Does not know whether he was dating Effy) | Single (Fooling around with boys) | Single |
Age | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 |
Number of Children | - | - | - | - | - |
Appearance | Very attractive | "Cool" looking | Handsome | Pretty | Pretty |
Body Type | Skinny | Healthy/ Buff | Healthy | Average | Average |
Personal Characteristics |
Role of Character in Narrative | Mischievous, Drug addict. A girl that does not care about anything. | He is a student who doesn't care about anything. He is rude, and also love starting a fight. He is very sexually active. | A gentlemen, who respects girls a lot. Generous. Very sensitive. | A girl who gets a lot of boys. Her twin sister is the total opposite of her. | She is really confuse of her sexuality; whether she is straight or gay. She is not as popular as Katie. |
Impact of character in Narrative | Positive | Positive | Positive | Positive | - |
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